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Image of Scientific integration on Islamic concept of nature in the world childrens’ picture book (oral and written interpretation)


Scientific integration on Islamic concept of nature in the world childrens’ picture book (oral and written interpretation)

An author is like a “God” of his writing. Only him who knows exactly what he actually means in his writing. In other way, not every reader could easily get it. Especially if we are talking about any literary works. The message is not immediately clear to every reader because the language in literature contains symbols and connotative language. As we know, it allows multiple interpretations. Because of this characteristic, of course a suitable method of interpretation is needed. Hermeneutics is known as the science of interpreting the meaning of a text. More related to symbolic text which has multiple meanings. Hermeneutics is considered as a theory of the operation of understanding in relation to the interpretation of texts. Interpreting is an oral method of translation that allows for in-person, face to face or on the phone cross-lingual real-time communication. This can also be referred to as oral translation, real-time translation or informal translation (Smith, 1990). This book contains the concept, theory and the case study of interpreting in practice. Interpreting is a competency which is really important in the modern era nowadays. The fast flow of the news through webs of course encourage people to be fast in interpreting the meaning of the news written or orally.
This book consists of:
1) Why Interpreting
2) Interpreting in Oral Communication
3) The Application of Interpreting As an Oral Activity
4) Interpreting As a Written Activity
5) Picture Book As a Literary Text
6) Concept of Nature in Literary Work
7) Interpretation of Nature (Ecology) Concept in the World Picture Books
8) Islamic Concept of Nature in Picture Books


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Penerbit Alauddin University Press : Makassar.,
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